Our fleet

Fleet of aircraft and loaders

To carry out its aerial crop spraying operations, Air Denizot has a fleet of fifteen aircraft as well as fixed facilities in France and mobile installations around the world.

Fleet of Piper PA25-235 aircraft

 Our PIPER PA25 aircraft are equipped with a Lycoming O540 engine with 235 HP.

A steel-tube structure covered with fabric, these aircraft are characterised by a light empty weight which allows them to carry a 480-kg load in their tanks. Suitable for applying granular fertilisers and for spraying liquid plant protection products, their agility allows them to work with accuracy and efficiency.




  • Wingspan : 11 m
  • Length : 8 m
  • Weight : 1,300 kg
  • Take-off distance : 700 m
  • Cruising speed : 170 km/h



Guidance, tracking and spraying

Modernised for the installation of a DGPS system, the AGNAV system is integrated into the dashboard. An external lightbar allows for precise application.

Thanks to the GPS system, the customer receives daily application reports and flight tracking information to guarantee precision, the flightpath and the quality of the application.


Spraying equipment is composed of two booms with 43 nozzles. Its pump and 3-way valve deliver precision opening and closing and continual in-tank agitation.

The flow rate varies from 5 to 40 litres per hectare.

Annual application 150,000 hectares at an average of 40L/ha.


For the spraying of solids, our aircraft can spread granular products (fertilisers or seeds) using a sprayer fitted under the aircraft.

The dosage is 60-250 kg per hectare.

Annual application 80,000 hectares at an average of 170 kg/ha.


Mixers and loaders

Quality aerial application begins with quality spray preparation. To guarantee this quality we have designed and manufactured our own mixers and loaders.


Designed with efficiency in mind, our loaders combine respect for the environment, operator safety, portability and usability.


  • Closed spray and effluent systems
  • Operated by a single operator
  • Equipped with a thermal pump and a generator.

The 300-litre water tank supplies :

  • The container rinse system.
  • A water spray for decontamination.

The control valves are grouped together, the discharge line is secured by a relief valve limiting the pressure of all circuits to 1 bar.


The spray mixture is prepared by simply operating a valve which releases the crop protection product into the product tank.

The mixing tank with a capacity of 1000 litres is equipped with a self-cleaning system.



Station de préparation et de chargement pour traitement aérien
Vannes de station de chargement pour épandage aérien

Ecole de pilotage, maintenance d'aéronefs et travaux aériens

7 rue de l'Aérodrome | Aérodrome de Pont-sur-Yonne | 89140 Gisy-les-Nobles - Tél. +33 386 67 06 40
